I'm Gonna Act Like A Child
I have a good idea. I'm gonna start acting like a spoiled little child for the rest of my natural born life. I want to get everything I want, and have people at my beck and call. I want to have everyone do what I want them to do, then turn around and do something diffrent. I want people to buy me all sorts of stuff, then be pissy to them. I want to act as if I'm the most important person in the world, then get mad when people do thier own thing. I want to seem like I'm worldly and sophsticated then prove that I'm not. I want to seem like I'm your friend, then show you I'm not. I want to tell you things I want you to hear, then get mad when you do what I told you.
Oh wait no I don't! Just cause I'm bigger than that
Disposed of by VMackolov at 8:52:00 AM